Find out more about Bexleyheath BID
About Bexleyheath BID
Bexleyheath Business Partnership Ltd was set up by local businesses in 2011 as a Business Improvement District (BID). Business Improvement Districts, like ours, are business-led organisations set up in defined areas by like-minded business people, who work together to positively improve their local trading environment.
Bexleyheath BID is an independent, not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, governed and chaired by the Bexleyheath BID Board. The Board provides strategic direction and input and is responsible to stakeholders for the conduct, performance and due governance of the BID company. It is also responsible for setting the annual budget and monitoring finances throughout the course of the year.
The structure of the Board reflects the number and type of businesses in the town centre and consists mainly of BID levy-paying businesses or statutory service providers as dictated by the BID regulations 2004. From time to time the Board may co-opt new members or invite observers to Board meetings.
Our performance
Bexleyheath BID is accountable to businesses
paying the levy. The results are measured through
the following Key Performance Indicators:
Crime statistics
Footfall statistics
Social media followers and reach
Website visits/media coverage
Shop vacancy rates
Baseline Agreements
Formal agreements are signed with Bexley Council to provide a clear understanding of baseline services provided by Bexley Council allowing Bexleyheath BID to provide services above and beyond those currently provided by the Council.
British BIDs Certificate in
BID Management
Enjoy Bexleyheath (Bexleyheath BID)
c/o Management Suite
Broadway Shopping Centre,
Broadway, Bexleyheath DA6 7JN
BID Office Hours
Monday - Friday : 8am – 4pm
Event Weekends : 9am - 5pm